Nested Comments Thread (with Like and Reply)


This module is a list of comments or messages by different users, with the ability for a user to create a new comment, reply, or like a comment. It can be added on any object (a topic, a product, etc.). App admins (or users with admin access) will be able to click on the ... icon to delete any comment in the thread via a menu focus group.


  • When this module is added to a page, it has a reusable element inside called nestedcomments. This reusable element contains all of the logic and UI for the module.

  • Within the nestedcomments reusable element, there is another reusable element called commentsmenufocusgroup. For more information on how to use menufocusgroups, please click here.

  • The module also comes with a data type called t-Comments. This is the data type that will store all of the comments.

  • All of the parent comments are displayed in RepeatingGroup t-Comment parent and all of the children comments are displayed in RepeatingGroup t-Comment.

  • Button POST creates a new parent comment.

  • Button REPLY creates a new child comment.

  • Text Like likes a comment.

  • Group Option 2 (Delete) deletes a comment.

How to set up

  • Add a field to the t-Comment data type that represents the object on which you want users to comment. For example, if you want users to comment on products, you should add a Product field.

  • Open the nestedcomments reusable

  • Modify the type of content displayed in the reusable to be whatever object for which you want to show comments. In this case you should make the group type be Product.

  • Modify the data source for RepeatingGroup t-Comment parent to include whatever filter you need. In this case, you should only include comments that are linked to the Product being displayed.

  • Modify the action that runs when the Button POST is clicked to also link the t-Comment created to the relevant object, in this case the Product that's displayed in the reusable.

  • Add a data source whenever you use the nestedcomments reusable that links to the appropriate object (in this case the Product that's displayed on the page).

Last updated