Profile Page


Full layout for a generic profile page. Includes a profile cover photo, user's image, name, short bio, and other common UI components.


  • When this page is added to your app, it will come with three main groups:

    • Group page860Group - This group contains the responsive settings for all modules. All modules should be placed into this group.

    • Group Anchor - This group stores the data source of the profile page's thing. All elements within Group Anchor refers to this group's data source.

      • This makes it easier to set up pretty urls (e.g., Feel free to just refer to Current page's type if you are not planning on using pretty urls.

    • Group Cover photo - This group's background type is set to image and will show the thing's cover photo.

      • The cover photo will disappear on mobile at a screen width of 780

  • By default, this page uses a data type called Users. The User data type also has a field name called Cover Photo.

    • You can update the data source to a different data type and create a new field on that data type for Cover Photo

  • This page will come with two popups:

    • Popup Cover Photo - Users can update their cover photo by clicking on Group Update cover photo to open Popup Cover Photo.

  • Popup Hidden Variables contains two groups:

    • var - Website object - This group stores the website object (e.g., app name, primary color, and etc.)

    • var - dummy - This is a placeholder group. You can store any data here by updating the type of content and data source of the group.

  • This module will come with a reusable element called star rating. Set the data source of the reusable to a number between 1 to 5 to display the appropriate stars.

  • This page will also come with two reusable elements: header A and footer.

How to set up

  • Remove or add additional UI components in Group Anchor

Important: Since Group Cover photo is overlapping with Group Anchor, conditional hidden groups within Group Anchor will not collapse properly. We strongly recommend you to only leave groups that have no collapsing rules in Group Anchor and remove any additional design assets that you don't need and are not using. Resize Group Detailsaccordingly.

  • Resize Group page860Group and add other modules inside of it

If you add more modules, please resize Group PLACEHOLDER so that it is not overlapping with any other elements (for responsiveness).

  • Update Group Anchor's data type and data source

  • To make the profile page dynamic, update the page's type of content and set Group Anchor's data source to Current page's data type

Set default cover photo

  • The default cover photo image is set to blank (a transparent group). You can set the default cover photo for when the user’s cover photo is empty by updating Group Cover photo's conditional statement and setting the dynamic image field to an image's url

UI design components

Please note that these components are all purely design assets and that they are not connected to any workflows. Hide or remove any components that you do not need.

Group Status

Use this component to indicate whether a user is online, offline, or busy by adding conditional statements to change the background color of the group

Group Rating

Use this component to display profile ratings

Group Left and Group Right

Simple navigation arrows you can use to view different profiles

Group Star Rating

Use this component to display star rating and reviews. Set the star rating reusable element's data source to a number between 1 to 5

Group Tags

Use this component to display a list of tags. It contains an element called Multidropdown tags (the element is set to disabled). Make sure to set the Choices style to Dynamic choices and to update the choices list and default value list.

Group Progress Bar

This group uses a plugin called Progress Bar

Use this component to display progress or completion rate. Update Progress barLayout1-1's percentage to dynamically refer to a number.

Group Button Menu Items

Use this component to show additional options in a menu focus group called GroupFocus button.

Group Actions

Use these groups to navigate to different pages/tabs or trigger a popup to show

Last updated