
Page where users can search for other users using several different filters

Search Page Overview

The search page is only available to logged in users. This page contains a list of other users on the platform, and is modifiable throughout several filters that exist on the left side of the page. The majority of search filters are linked directly to a url parameter, so users have the ability to link directly to a set of search results (or rather, filters that produce a certain set of results).

Key Workflows

Update parameters [Custom workflow]

  • Updates a set of URL parameters with data inputted in the search filters. This is triggered each time an input is updated and allows users to link directly to a set of filtered search results

  • Search filters on the page pull their default value from URL parameters when available

Key Elements

RepeatingGroup Users

  • Contains all Users on the platform or a filtered set of Users if search criteria has been specified

  • Data source notes:

    • Filters for users that have any field containing the text from Input Filter - Keyword

    • Filters for users who have at least one matching Interest if any Interests have been specified

    • Sorts based on Dropdown User Sort’s value (uses the :formatted as text operator to convert dropdown value to appropriate database field name)

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