
Dynamic "pretty" email functionality

Your app will not use Bubble’s native “send email” functionality, but instead use our own sendGrid API workflow that generates a nicely-formatted HTML email from the system.

To start using this feature, please set up your SendGrid email by following this step in our Quickstart Guide.

To send a nicely-formatted HTML email, go to the Workflows tab > select Custom Events > Select Schedule API workflow > select send_email from the API workflow dropdown and set the scheduled date to Current date/time.

Fill out the email content in the additional fields.

  • from_name (required) - Sender's name to display

  • from_email (required) - Sender's email

  • reply_to_email (optional) - Sender's alternative email (if reply to email is different from from_email)

  • to_emails (required) - Receiver's email (can be a comma separated list)

  • cc_emails (optional) - Carbon copy emails (can be a comma separated list)

  • bcc_emails (optional) - Blind carbon copy emails (can be a comma separated list)

  • subject (required) - Email title / subject

  • body (required) - Write <br> for a line break (since the parameter is a single line). Dynamic text (e.g., from a multiline input) will handle line breaks automatically.

    • Image in the body: <img src='https:image’s url’ width=‘518’/>

    • Link in the body: <a href="link url">Words to be hyperlinked</a>

  • button_text (optional) - By default, there will be no button added to the email. However, if this field isn't empty, an action button will be added.

  • button_link (optional) - The link which the button is linked to

  • attachment (optional) - If this is used, the file will be sent along with the email

  • button_color (automatically populated) - This is added from the field Primary Color on the Website object

  • signature (automatically populated) - By default this will be The [app name] team but you can add a different text in this field to override it

  • logo - By default, this is added from the field Logo light on the Website object, but you can also add a different logo in the API workflow parameter to override it.

Last updated