Hidden variables popup

Setting variables within pages

Each page has a popup called “Hidden variables” that holds data in the background that can be referenced by different elements on the page. This can be a useful technique for avoiding redundancy and maintaining clear organization.

Variables are stored in two kinds of objects: Groups and Repeating Groups. These are more useful than custom states because they can have default data sources, conditional data sources, or have their data set by a workflow. We recommend naming each Group or RG var - [Name of variable] as opposed to the normal “Group …” convention. This way you can quickly search for the page variables to reference them from other elements.

The popup will always come with a var - Website object Group, so that you can quickly refer to any of the fields stored in the website object (e.g., the app name) Common uses for hidden variables include:

  1. the result of a URL parameter

  2. search results that have to be referenced in multiple places, or

  3. calculation results based on an input on the page

Last updated