
Alert functionality

Showing in-app alerts helps the user confirm what’s happening (e.g., “Changes saved”). We have our own AirAlert integration that makes this easy.

Alert Styles

You can define styles for standard alerts in the Plugins tab.

Or, you can trigger a custom alert and define the colors for an alert by going to the Workflow tab in the Bubble Editor > select Plugin > select AirAlert - Custom

AirDev Alerts don't work in Internet Explorer. They do work in all modern browsers (Safari, Chrome, IE Edge, Firefox, Opera, and more).

Trigger Alerts

There are 3 different AirAlert actions in your app - Standard, Custom, Clear All.

  1. Workflow: Plugin > AirAlert - Standard This includes standard AirDev alert styles: Warning (orange), Success (green), Information (blue), and Error (red).

  2. Workflow: Plugin > AirAlert - Custom Define your own colors and styles for your alerts. You can also add a progress bar to the notification.

  3. Workflow: Plugin > AirAlert - Clear all Clear all visible alerts on the page.

Last updated