Getting Started

Get up and running quickly with your Canvas App

Get the Template

Getting the AirDev Canvas Base Template through Bubble's template marketplace is a snap.

Add to your account

The first step to getting the template is adding it to your Bubble account. To do this, go to the template page and press Use Template.

If you aren't signed in to a Bubble account, you'll be prompted to log in or sign up. Follow the prompts from Bubble to complete this process.

Create a new app

Now that you've added the template to your account you can create new apps in Bubble using the Canvas template! From the My Apps tab on your Bubble home page, click the blue 'New App' button. In the popup, click on the 'Start from a template' dropdown and select Canvas Base Template.

Get the Chrome Extension

To extend your template with new Bubble pages and blocks from Canvas you will need to install the Chrome extension.

Explore the Admin Portal

A great feature of the Canvas template is that it comes preconfigured with an Admin Portal where you can manage all the settings for your application.

The Admin Portal is accessed from the front end of your application (not from the Bubble editor). To begin exploring your Admin Portal, when you are logged into the Bubble editor go to Data > App Data > All Users and then click on'Run as' beside the user with the email '[email protected]'

The admin portal offers access to the following settings from the left navigation menu:

Launch Checklist The Launch Checklist provides step by step guidance to help you get started with your new application as quickly as possible.

Branding From your app's name to your social media links you can setup all your applications branding here. Learn More

Pages View all Bubble pages and their associated visibility rules in your app. Learn More

Header / Footer Manage the navigational links and icons for your header and footer. Learn More

Emails Add and edit email templates across your platform. Learn More

Settings Here you can update all the general settings for your application like the user signup process and your privacy policy

Analytics View analytics on new, active, and total users across your application.

Users View a list of all your users including role, last login, and email. Add a new Admin to your application.

Data Type 1 A sample setup to demonstrate how to expand the functionality of the admin portal using your own custom data types.

Naming conventions

In names of data types and reusable elements, we have included a gear emoji (⚙) to indicate that these specific elements should not be edited, or that you should be very cautious about making changes there. These data types and reusables touch a lot of different features or are easy to break when changed.

The data types also include "system_" prior to the reusable's name.

Another thing to note is that Canvas workflows are green. We encourage using workflow folders or creating a color coding convention for your app in order to better organize your app's workflows.

Last updated