Week Daily Availability


This block shows the availability of each day of one week at a time and allows the user to toggle left and right between weeks. Ideal for booking / Airbnb type applications where you need to show a calendar for availabilities.


  • When this block is added to a page, it has a reusable element inside called new_week.This reusable element contains all of the logic and UI for the block.

    • The dates are displayed based on the variable var - week start day (of data type date) in Popup Hidden Variables

      • When the page is first loaded, the Current date/time is passed to var - week start day

      • Clicking on Group Main previous and Group Main next would pass a different start day (minus or plus 7 days to Current date/time) to var - week start day

How to set up

  • Open the new_week reusable

  • Open Popup Hidden Variables. This popup contains two group variables that are used in the week daily availability widget. For more information on how to use Popup Hidden Variables, click here.

    • var - Website object stores the app's website object. It is used in Group Main previous and Group Main next to pull the website's primary color.

    • var - week start day stores the week's start day date

  • [OPTIONAL] Modify the data source of var - start day to include any filters you need

  • Update the placeholder conditionals on Text AVAILABLE? elements

Last updated

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