Stripe Credit Card Purchase Popup


This popup includes a standard UI for purchasing something with a credit card. A user can add a credit card, remove an existing credit on file, and click a button to confirm purchase. Please ensure that you have installed the Stripe plugin by Bubble (Bubble editor > Plugins tab > Add plugins > Add Stripe plugin) to your app.

Set up Stripe

To enable Stripe on your platform:

  • Go to Stripe and create an account. You must officially activate the account before using payments in live mode

  • Enable Stripe Connect from the Connect tab

    • From the Settings tab, add the following redirect URI:

    • From the same tab, enter your branding details

  • Add API keys to Bubble app

    • From the Stripe dashboard, go to Developers > API keys

    • Grab the Publishable key and the Secret key from the Standard keys section

    • In your Bubble app editor, go to Plugins and find Stripe. Add your API keys to Live Publishable Key and Live Secret Key inputs

    • Go back to your Stripe dashboard, from the same API keys section, toggle View test data. Grab the Publishable/Secret keys and add them to the same Stripe plugin

    • Lastly, return to the Bubble app editor, go to Plugins and find Stripe (for Canvas templates). Add your Live and Development Secret keys to the Authorization (shared headers) and Authorization (shared headers) - dev. Inputs. Your values should follow this format: Bearer sk_test_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  • Add client IDs to Bubble app

    • From your Stripe dashboard, go to Settings > Connect Settings

    • Grab the Live mode client ID as well as the Test mode client ID (by toggling Viewing test datain the top right corner)

    • Go back to the Stripe plugin in your Bubble app and add both these IDs

  • From the Stripe plugin, update the Stripe Checkout Image and Name with your own branding


The popup includes the following:

  • A title

  • A multiline text for more information

  • Button Change to add or update a credit card

  • Button Remove to remove a saved credit card

  • Group Close (purchase), Button Cancel, and Button Subscribe will close the popup

How to set up

  • Update the title, button, and multiline text copy

  • Add a workflow to Button Subscribe

  • Add a workflow on the page to show Popup purchasePopup


In development (version-test of your app), you can test your stripe purchase flow by using 4242 4242 4242 4242 as the credit card number, any future expiration date, and 123 as the security code.

Last updated