

This is a reusable element that includes a focus group for applying filters to a repeating group. No workflows are associated with this module.


  • This reusable contains Focus group:

    • Group range and Group Checkboxes are hidden by default. You can unhide them by checking the box for This element is visible on page load.

Please be mindful of the number of filters you have in the focus group. If the height of the focus group is too tall then it will not be possible to see all of its content on mobile. Consider separating the filters into multiple groups by adding a new icon group and focus group.

  • This reusable will come with a Popup Hidden Variables. For more information on how to use the Popup Hidden Variables, click here.

    • var - Website object - This group stores the website object (e.g., app name, primary color, and etc.)

    • var - RepeatingGroup Categories - This repeating group will store the user's checked categories in RepeatingGroup List

    • var - dummy - This is a placeholder group. You can store any data here by updating the type of content and data source of the group.

How to set up

  • Update the data source or add/remove any input elements in the focus group to fit your use case

  • Add Custom States to the applyfilters reusable element so that the filters' values can be accessed from the parent page

    • If you don't set up these custom states, the values from the inputs will not be accessible to the parent page - it won't be possible to use them to filter searches.

  • Update RepeatingGroup List and var - RepeatingGroup Categories's type of content and data source

Last updated

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