1-Column Instagram Tiles Group with Nested Comments


This fully-responsive block is designed to display image posts with a label and the ability to favorite, like Instagram. It includes a comments section where users can comment or like a post.


When this block is added to a page, it is placed within a group called Blocks container 860 (do not rename) on the page. This group contains the responsive settings for all blocks.

  • new_instagramtiles This reusable element contains all of the logic and UI for the instagram-like feed. It contains three main groups:

    • Group Main instagram content This group displays the post content. RepeatingGroup Posts stores the data for these posts (you will have to change the repeating group data source as it is currently set to a placeholder dummy data source). The main UI components in this group include the following:

      • Clicking on the menufocusgroup_template reusable element will reveal a menu dropdown with a list of options (more details here). You should uncheck the box for This page is visible on page load for Group Inner more post options and add a conditional statement to the group that says When parent group's post's creator is current user, then this element is visible.

      • Clicking on Group Inner comment post icon will show/hide Group Collapsible parent message input_comment and allow you to comment on the post.

      • By default, each post only displays the 3 most recent comments. Clicking on Group Inner view all comments will load all comments on that post.

      • Clicking on Text Parent reply will show/hide Group Collapsible child message input_comment and allow you to comment on a parent comment.

      • If the parent comment has no user likes then clicking on Text Parent like or Group Parent like_comment will like the comment (add current user to the comment's user likes count). If the parent comment has 1 or more likes, then clicking on Text Parent like will show a popup with a list of user likes on that comment. Clicking on Group Parent like_comment will remove the current user from the parent comment's user likes count. Similar workflows apply to Text Child like and Group Child like_comment as well.

      • Entering a message in MultilineInput Child reply and clicking on Button Child POST will post the comment and nest it under a parent comment. If the user is not logged in, then clicking Button Child POST will trigger a log in popup.

      • Entering a message in MultilineInput Parent reply and clicking on Button Parent POST will post the comment as a parent comment. If the user is not logged in, then clicking Button Parent POST will trigger a log in popup.

    • Popup Likes This popup displays a list of users that have liked a comment. All user information is displayed in RepeatingGroup User likes.

    • Popup Hidden Variables This popup includes various variables that are referenced in workflows or conditionals on the page.

      • var - Website object - This group stores the website object (e.g., app name, primary color, and etc.)

      • var - RepeatingGroup t-Comment MASTER - This group stores a list of comments (where the parent comment is empty). It is used in the logic to display the 3 most recent parent comments and to show all post comments.

      • var - load all comments? - This group stores a yes or no field (it is not located in the popup because it needs to be referenced in the repeating group cell). This variable is used in the logic to determine when to show all post comments.

      • var - dummy - This is a placeholder variable group. You can store any data here by updating the data type and data source of the group.

      For more information on how to use hidden variables, click here.

How to set up

  • Update the data source of RepeatingGroup Posts as it is currently set to a dummy data source. Link your newly created post data type to the comments data type. You could do this either by:

    • Adding a list comments as a field to the post data type or

      • You will have to update all comments repeating groups' data source to Current cell's post's list of comments. For parent comment, add filter for when parent comment is empty. For child comment, add filter for when parent comment is parent group's comment.

    • Adding a post as a field to the comments data type in the database

      • You will have to update all comments repeating groups' data source to include a filter for Post equals parent group's post.

  • Add a workflow to Group Inner like post icon for liking/unliking a post.

  • Add a workflow to Group Inner forward post icon for forwarding a post.

  • Add a workflow to Group Inner bookmark icon for bookmarking a post.

  • Updating the workflows for Button Child POST and Button Parent POST to ensure that the comments are associated with the corresponding post.

  • Showing or hiding Group Inner more post options. You might want this group to only be visible to users if they are the creator of the post.

  • Updating text content in Popup Likes.

Last updated