2-Column Dashboard Widgets


The block includes two common dashboard widgets for displaying a chart and a table of recent activities.


  • When this block is added to a page, it is placed within a group called Blocks container 860 (do not rename) on the page. This group contains the responsive settings for all blocks.

  • This block contains two groups:

    • Group Inner chart contains a Bubble chart element for displaying graphs

    • Group Inner feed contains a table for displaying recent activities

      • RepeatingGroup Table displays the content (set to Dummy data for now)

  • Button Add is hidden by default. To unhide it, you can remove the hiding rule on Group Inner header button from the Bubble responsive editor.

How to set up the chart widget

  • Update the data source of the Bubble chart element

How to set up the table widget

  • Update the data source of RepeatingGroup Table

Last updated