About Group
Use this to display information about a user or company on a product page.
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Use this to display information about a user or company on a product page.
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UI for displaying details about a thing. The left side of the block contains a section to display a photo (e.g., company logo or user profile). The right side contains a section to display description text and a button. No workflows are associated with this block.
When this block is added to a page, it is placed within a group called Blocks container 860 (do not rename) on the page. This group contains the responsive settings for all blocks.
This block Group aboutGroup contains three main groups:
Group Main header contains a title text and a hidden description text
Group Main about tile contains the block's main content and ui components
Group PLACEHOLDER - This is a placeholder group in the block. If you add more elements to the group, please resize this group and ensure it is not overlapping with any other elements.
Update Image Profile pic's data source
Update the data source of all text elements
Add a workflow to Button Contact host or hide the button if not needed