Net Promoter Score (NPS) Popup

Use this popup to collect NPS scores and feedback


This popup is helpful to track retention and loyalty from your users. A few use cases include:

  • Tracking how likely are your customers to recommend you

  • Hear feedback from users about their experience using your application


  • This block will include a NPS Score data type that includes 3 data fields:

    • Feedback (text): Used to capture qualitative feedback provided by the user

    • NPS score (number): NPS score (between 1-10) submitted by the user

    • User (user): User who submitted the NPS

  • nps_scores_template (of type number) reusable element

    • This reusable includes the UI and logic for selecting and submitting an NPS score. When Group Main select option is clicked, it will display the selected number in the reusable element and trigger a custom workflow to create an entry for the submitted NPS score in the database.

    • If using nps_scores_template as part of a form UI and not in the NPS Score Popup then please remove the custom workflow trigger save nps score from the workflow when Group main selection option is clicked. In the form's save button, you'll simply reference nps_scores_template's number to save the NPS score.

  • This block uses the Toolbox plugin's list of numbers element

How to set up

  • Add a workflow on the page to show Popup NPS score

    • In this workflow, before the show popup step, add a new workflow step to trigger custom workflow from a reusable element. Select nps_scores_template for the reusable element and select reset nps score.

  • Add additional workflows to Button Submit

    • For example, you may want to send an email or display these records in the admin portal