Reviews Repeating Group with User Images


UI for displaying a list of reviews with star ratings. The left side of the block contains a section to display a user. The right side contains a section to display a review (or anything) with a title, description, star rating and timestamp. No workflows are associated with this block.


When this block is added to a page, it is placed within a group called Blocks container 860 (do not rename) on the page. This group contains the responsive settings for all blocks.

  • This blocks contains three main groups:

    • Group Responsive left vertical padding and Group Responsive right vertical padding For responsiveness (please do not delete), this maintains the padding between the content and the outer parent group.

      • Group Inner cell hover_Dummy - If you add more elements to the group, please ensure that they are contained within this main content group..

  • All data is displayed in RepeatingGroup Dummy

How to set up

  • Go to the page where you have added the block and update RepeatingGroup Dummy's data source

  • Update the data sources of the image and texts

  • Remove or add workflow to Button Add

  • Set the star-rating-display reusable element's data source to a number between 1 to 5

  • Remove any elements in the module that you do need and adjust the group height (there should be 40px padding at the bottom of the group).

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